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Linguistics teaching

Apart from teaching foreign languages to working adults and university students, I have also assisted in the undergraduate teaching of linguistics at Manchester and Chinese University of Hong Kong. Below is a full list of all my duties in the teaching of theoretical linguistics:  

University of Manchester (2010-2013)
Chinese University of Hong Kong (2013-2014)

2010-2011                       Introduction to Syntax (UG Year One)

2011-2012                       Introduction to Syntax (UG Years One and Two)

2012-2013                       Introduction to Syntax (UG Year One)

2013-2014                       Chinese Syntax (UG Year Three + PG MPhil and PhD)

                                          Cantonese Syntax (UG Year Three) 

Keith Tse


Teaching theoretical linguistics is a somewhat different experience from teaching foreign languages. For the latter, my students and clients have told me repeatedly that they are primarily interested in the practical use of the target language and are not bothered with the theory behind it. With theoretical linguistics, on the other hand, there is a much bigger capacity for intellectual debate and discussion, which is how I have structured my courses. I have taught primarily syntax, which is my main field of speciality,

and although my theoretical persuasion is mainly Chomskyan, I have tried to provide an all-rounded perspective to the main issues and debates in contemporary syntactic theory with an introductory/in-depth coverage of several prominent grammatical models as well (Chomskyan and non-Chomskyan), namely Government and Binding (GB), and Principles and Parameters (P&P), Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG), Head-Driven Phrase-Structure Grammar (HPSG), Construction Grammar (CG), Dynamic Syntax (DS) etc. All this is in courtesy of my old syntax teachers, Professor John Payne at Manchester and Professor Andrew Carnie at LSA 2011, who did exactly this with us, namely giving us a very full and thorough education on all things syntactic, since, in the words of Andrew, 'it is a mistake to start learning/teaching syntax with Minimalism'. All thanks to them, and they are both two of the finest syntacticians currently alive. I am proud to be their student. 

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